  • 회사소개
  • IC IGBT Diode
  • 고순도 Fine Chem
  • 실리콘 첨가제
  • {"google":["Roboto","Noto Sans KR","Noto Sans","Questrial"],"custom":["Nanum Square Round"]}
    섹션 설정
  • 회사소개
  • IC IGBT Diode
  • 고순도 Fine chem
  • 실리콘 첨가제
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    IC IGBT Diode

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    High Voltage Analog Switch IC  

    ECN329X are 8 and 16 channel High Voltage analog switching IC on which latch-up free is realized by dielectric isolation technology.
    High voltage and low ON-resistance MOS switches are used as output devices controlled by a 5V signal.

    Product Feature

    - High voltage and low on-resistance MOS switches            integrated
    - High voltage switch, low on-resistance
    - Switch on-resistance: 20 W typ.                                            (VPP=100V,VNN=-100V, 25oC)
    - High voltage switch, withstand voltage of 220V
    - Power on/off sequence free
    - Built-in shift register


    • - Ultrasound imaging scanner and ultrasound flaw  detector, printer, board tester, etc.

    Product line

    - 8 channel Type
       -> Normal Type : ECN3290, ECN3292
    -> Built-in bleed resistors Version : ECN3293, ECN3294

    - 16 channel Type
       -> Normal Type : ECN3296, ECN3297, ECN3298
      -> Power Supply Less Version : ECN32910, ECN32911

    {"google":["Roboto","Noto Sans","Noto Sans KR","Questrial"],"custom":["Nanum Square Round","Nanum Barun Gothic"]}{"google":["Roboto","Noto Sans","Questrial","Montserrat"],"custom":["Nanum Square Round","Noto Sans KR"]}
    {"google":["Noto Sans KR"],"custom":[]}