  • 회사소개
  • IC IGBT Diode
  • 고순도 Fine Chem
  • 실리콘 첨가제
  • {"google":["Roboto","Noto Sans KR","Noto Sans","Questrial"],"custom":["Nanum Square Round"]}
    섹션 설정
  • 회사소개
  • IC IGBT Diode
  • 고순도 Fine chem
  • 실리콘 첨가제
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    IC IGBT Diode

    home >  IC IGBT Diode

    Vechicle use Automotive Diode 

    12V, 24V 전원에 최적의 다이오드입니다.


    - Power train : Transmission, Engine Management

    - Chassis : Brake system, Suspension, Steering

    - Safety : Airbags, Passenger Sensing

    - Security : Keyless entry

    - Body : Lighting, Power Windows, Power Doors,     

                   Power Mirror

    - Driver Information : Navigation, Entertainments                                                systems

    Prouct line

    General-Use Rectifer Diode
    Diode for circuit rectification in low frequency band (50/60Hz)

    Application : For rectification , prevent reverse current , and free-wheeling of various power supplies and others

    Controlled Avalanche Diode
    Diode with power surge and overvoltage-absorbing multi-purpose rectifier
    A device that guarantees superimposed voltage above voltage rating according to the prescribed conditions (defined in the catalog).

    Application : For rectification , and surge suppressor of various power supplies

    Fast Recovery Diode
    A diode that is used for high frequency rectification and minimize switching loss during the event

    Application : For rectification of high-frequency power supply. For prevent reverse current of high

    frequency circuit. For free-wheeling of high frequency circuit

    Zener Diodes
    Constant voltage diode

    Application : For stabilization of voltage and surge voltage absorption of various power supplies

    Surge Suppressor Diodes
    A Zener-type diode specialized to absorb power surges caused by overvoltage. It guarantees absorption (loss) of non-reptitive power surge. However, it does not guarantee continuous current.

    Application : For protection of voltage and overvoltage

    Surge Suppressor Diode for road dump
    A diode designed to protect electronics device and other parts from power surge in automobiles and electronic components. Complies with JASO and ISO7637 transient voltage tests

    Application : For protection of surge voltage in automotive electrical equipment

    {"google":["Roboto","Noto Sans","Noto Sans KR","Questrial"],"custom":["Nanum Square Round","Nanum Barun Gothic"]}{"google":["Roboto","Noto Sans","Questrial","Montserrat"],"custom":["Nanum Square Round","Noto Sans KR"]}
    {"google":["Noto Sans KR"],"custom":[]}