  • 회사소개
  • IC IGBT Diode
  • 고순도 Fine Chem
  • 실리콘 첨가제
  • {"google":["Roboto","Noto Sans KR","Noto Sans","Questrial"],"custom":["Nanum Square Round"]}
    섹션 설정
  • 회사소개
  • IC IGBT Diode
  • 고순도 Fine chem
  • 실리콘 첨가제
  • Creating value in the future

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    IC IGBT Diode

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    Railway use Power IGBT Module 

    HITACHI가 제안하는 고전압, 고출력 IGBT 모듈 시리즈는

    에너지 효율 향상과저소음 구동을 목표로 고안된 제품으로

    제어 유닛 설계의 편리함을 제공합니다.

    Product Feature

    - High thermal fatigue durability
    - High speed and low loss IGBT module
    - Low noise due to soft and fast recovery diode
    - Low driving power due to low input capacitance MOS  gate
    - High reliability, high durability module
    - Isolated heatsink between terminals and base

    Product line

    - 1700V(High speed Type) : 800A, 900A, 1200A, 1800A, 2400A
       -> 2in1 IGBT, 1in1 IGBT, Chopper, 2in1 Diode

    - 1700V(Soft switching Type) : 600A, 800A, 1200A, 1800A, 3600A
       -> 2in1 IGBT, 1in1 IGBT

    - 2500V(Standard Type) : 1200A
       -> 1in1 IGBT

    - 3300V(Standard 2nd Type) : 1200A
       -> 1in1 Diode

    - 3300V(Standard 3rd Type) : 800A, 1200A
       -> 1in1 Diode, Chopper

    - 3300V(Low switching loss Type) : 400A, 800A, 1200A, 1500A
       -> 1in1 IGBT, Chopper, 2in1 Diode

    - 3300V(Low Vce(sat) Type) : 800A, 1200A*High Isolation
       -> 1in1 IGBT

    - 3300V(Wide operating temperature Type) : 1000A, 1500A
       -> 1in1 IGBT

    - 4500V(Low switching loss Type) : 300A, 600A, 900A, 1050A
       -> 1in1 IGBT, 2in1 Diode

    - 6500V(Low Vce(sat) & Soft switching Type) : 400A, 600A
       -> 1in1 IGBT, 2in1 Diode

    {"google":["Noto Sans KR","Roboto","Noto Sans","Questrial"],"custom":["Nanum Square Round","Nanum Barun Gothic"]}{"google":["Roboto","Noto Sans","Questrial","Montserrat"],"custom":["Nanum Square Round","Noto Sans KR"]}
    {"google":["Noto Sans KR"],"custom":[]}