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BLUEWAVE가 함께 하겠습니다.
질풍처럼 변모하는 IT 산업사회, 기업과 상품의 생존과 직결된 전략으로
제기되는 파트너 관리관계 PRM(Partner Relationship Management)을 접목
변모하는 시장상황을 제조회사에 제공함으로써 보다 우수하고 완벽한 제품을 제조 고객에게
신기술과 신제품을 적기에 저렴하게 제공하도록 조언하고 유도함으로써 Partner로써의 가치를 실현한다.
BLUEWAVE & BLUEWAVE Tech Co.,LTD. is a professional chemical & Semicondutor engaged in trade and development.
our company has specializing in the raw materials for used Semiconductor, OLED manufacturing process.
in addition to mainly deals in 3 kinds of products including IC, IGBT, Diode products.
Through years of efforts, Blue Wave has earned good reputation in the industries we serve.
Our company has set up a bridge of friendship between the world and Korea to advance our business.
Our company always sticks to the principle of "Quality First, Credit Supremacy".
Welcome old and new friends to join us for bright achievement.
Thank you for your visit!
오시는 길
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본사 : 광주광역시 광산구 평동로 851
서울 사무소 : 서울특별시 용산구 청파로 40 삼구빌딩 1806
(1806 Samkoo Bldg, 40 Cheongpa Ro, Yongsan Gu, Seoul, Korea 04373)
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